Kimball® Silver and Triumph Awards- 2019 to Omega Commercial Interiors

Omega Receives Awards for Furniture Sales in 2019

Omega Commercial Interiors has been a select dealer with Kimball® since 2015. In 2018, Omega was recognized as a Silver Award Recipient for exceeding 3 million dollars of Kimball® Furniture Sales and also the Triumph Award as the 3rd highest Kimball® Market Share in the United States. Kimball® again recognizes them for the Silver and Triumph Awards in 2019.

Dealer Incentive Tour of Iceland

Through Kimball’s Sales Management Incentive Program, Omega Commercial Interiors earned a 5-night trip to Reykjavik, Iceland. David Mccormick, Peggy Schifano Lovio and their spouses stayed at the Hilton in Reykjavik August 1st through the 5th. Just off the coast of Iceland, Reykjavik is the capital and largest city in Iceland. The trip included a city tour, a jeep excursion through Thorsmark Valley, dinner at Fjorubordid Restaurant, Lava tunnels, the Blue Lagoon and a Golden Circle Tour.

Time to Organize your Workspace

It’s what’s in front of you everyday. Your clutter may be negatively impacting your progress at work. Chaos can immediately cause a feeling of being overwhelmed when it’s necessary to focus on a specific task. Time can easily become wasted looking for specific paperwork hidden in a stack that is taking up too much space. It’s time to organize your workspace if you are suffering from this.